- Participation together with Alexandre Pararols in the conference "The Architect and Promoter: OAB and the NGO FUNDESPLAI at "Escola Sert". https://www.escolasert.com/es/calendario/conferencia-arquitecto-promotor 13/03/24 – N. Ayala
- Lecture about OAB to the students of the MArch in Architecture, Design and Innovation of the European University of Valencia at the College of Architects of Catalonia. 29/01/24 - L. Ferrater & N. Ayala
- Xavier Martí Galí gives the closing talk "Espacio Imaginado" for the ESARQ Mexico. 10/12/23
- Lecture within the framework of the "Congreso Nacional de Arquitectura Avanzada y Construcción 4.0. REBUILD 2023" at IFEMA in Madrid. https://www.ifema.es/rebuild 30/03/23- B. Ferrater
- Speaker at the "Zak World of Façades" in Madrid. https://facades.es/ 23/03/23 - N. Ayala
- "The Mediterraneans of the world: The Botanical Garden of Barcelona" at the Architect@work conference at the CCIB in Barcelona. https://n9.cl/jr6ksh 15/03/23 – N. Ayala
- "Multifunctional structures in the Barcelona Botanical Garden" to the students of Collective Infrastructure Projects IV of the ETSAB and later Núria Ayala receives them in the Garden for a guided tour. 06/02/23 - C. Ferrater
- Speaker at the "Saudi Design Festival" in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. https://www.saudidesignfestival.com/ 18/01/23 – B. Ferrater
- Lecture "Paisaje y geometría" as part of the series of talks of the COA Almeria. https://youtu.be/UlPQ-_TVMYI 24/11/22 - C. Ferrater
- "El espacio imaginado" at the close of the Contemporary Collective Housing Diploma course, organised by Octavio Figueroa and Graziano Bra, ESARQ, Guadalajara, Mexico. https://youtu.be/J9vmeKQhW1c 15/11/22 - X. Martí
- 'Emptiness & Ligth for a new architecture' in the frame of 'Semana de la Construcción. Octubre Urbano 2022' initiative led by ONU Hábitat, la Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción Regional Valle at the 'Semana de la Construcción'. https://youtu.be/YWp3zP9YsrY https://n9.cl/ik5v74 24/10/22 – C. Ferrater
- Speaker at the "Sustainable Mobility for a Safe & Smart Town" sessions, organized by the UIC and the Calonge and Sant Antoni City Council. https://n9.cl/zv1akf - B. Ferrater
- Inaugural lecture of the Cátedra Cerámica Barcelona at the UIC. 27/09/22 - B. Ferrater
- "RED & GREEN" on the occasion of the inauguration of the course 'Contemporary Collective Housing Design Diploma', coordinated by Octavio Figueroa and Graziano Brau at ESARQ in Guadalajara, México. https://youtu.be/i8tF462AUEg 17/09/22 - C. Ferrater
- Speaker in the framework of the Hotel 'Design Xperience: Architecture and hotels, the perfect tandem, organized by NAN Arquitectura'. https://nanarquitectura.com/ https://n9.cl/4uloq 15/03/22 - X. Martí
- Participation at 'TransMiradas' within the framework of the Barcelona Architecture Festival at the Roca Barcelona Gallery. https://n9.cl/15a8cm 10/05/22 - C. Ferrater
- 'Red & Green' as part of the models exhibition 'Absence of Scale' at the ETSAB. https://youtu.be/_monCdnwSGc 26/04/22 - C. Ferrater
- Participation at the 12º Edition of 'New Architecture Projects' organized by Grupo Via. https://n9.cl/y4xmp 03/03/22 - B. Ferrater
- Inaugural conference 'RED & GREEN' of the models exhibition 'ABSENCE OF SCALE' held at the ETSAB. 26/04/22 - C. Ferrater
- Participation as a speaker at the Festival Days of Oris 21 in Zagreb, Croatia, along with Tadao Ando, Álvaro Siza, Oris Award & Valerio, Olgati, Vedran Pedisic & Erik, Vlasco Farrera and Marjan Pipenbaher, organised by Days of Oris. https://www.daysoforis.com/en/homepage-2021-en/ 21/11/21. - B. Ferrater"
- Lecture "Geometric Taxonomy. The invisible thread" at the Territorial School of Architects of Castellón for the holding of the ASCER Awards. https://www.coacv.org/es/actividad-cultural/conferencia-de-carlos-ferrater-taxonomia-geometrica-1048.html 16/11/21. C. Ferrater
- Lecture "El Hilo Invisible" as part of the Lecture Series 'Viernes de Fábrica' organized by 'Fábrica de Ciudad (México DF). 15/10/21 - C. Ferrater
- Lecture “Geometric Taxonomy” as part of the Workshop of Contemporary Architecture of the Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty of the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina. 10/06/21 - Carlos y Lucía Ferrater
- Lecture at the Arquitectura na cidade 2021 Workshop (third edition) Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, organised by Alberto Collet. https://youtu.be/1hWCgZ24Jlc 08/09/21 - C. Ferrater
- Talk for students on the "Trade Logo" Master's Degree course of MArch Arquitectura y Diseño, of the European University of Valencia CEU. 08/06/21 - L. Ferrater
- Lecture "Invisible thread" to the College of Architects of Chile, as part of the reception of new associates. 20/05/21 - C. Ferrater
- Lecture "Emptiness and light for a new style of architecture" as part of the 10 A Series of Lectures of the TVDA I-II n Cátedra Guadagna, in the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Development and Design (F.A.U.D.), Córdoba, Argentina. 10/11/20 - C. Ferrater.
- Lecture "Synchronising Geometry" within the Synchronising Architecture Annual Congress 2020. 01/10/20. - B. Ferrater
- Lecture as part of the "E-Workshop Architectura na Cidade 2020" (Architecture in the City) chaired by Alberto Collet and organised by AAP Alternative Academic Project, innovation laboratory applied to public and private entities. 15/09/20 - C. Ferrater
- Participation in the closing act of the exhibition "Architectures on the Shore". AxA and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation in collaboration with Barcelona Regional propose "Ideas on the shore", a series of quick petxa-kutxa conversations around the present and future of the Barcelona coastline. - C. Ferrater
- Lecture 'Geometry and Landscape' at the University of Azuay UDA School of Architecture in Cuenca, Ecuador. 23/09/19 - X. Martí
- Carlos Ferrater gives the lecture "Building Mediterranean style" and takes part in the subsequent debate on how contemporary signature architecture can influence the tourist image projected abroad, along with Joan Maria Viader and Elsa Ibar. 11/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Vacuum and Light' at Zaragoza University. 22/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Lecture in Benidorm as part of Architecture Week 2019 organised by the Schools of Architects of Alicante and Valencia and of the "Benidorm, overview" meetings. Benidorm Council Events Hall. 30/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Lecture 'Geometry and Landscape' at the University of Azuay UDA School of Architecture in Cuenca, Ecuador. 23/09/19 - X. Martí
- Carlos Ferrater gives the lecture "Building Mediterranean style" and takes part in the subsequent debate on how contemporary signature architecture can influence the tourist image projected abroad, along with Joan Maria Viader and Elsa Ibar. 11/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Vacuum and Light' at Zaragoza University. 22/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Lecture in Benidorm as part of Architecture Week 2019 organised by the Schools of Architects of Alicante and Valencia and of the "Benidorm, overview" meetings. Benidorm Council Events Hall. 30/10/19 - C. Ferrater
- Participation in the series of talks and subsequent interview and discussion of 'Architects, not Architecture' held at the Disseny Hub Barcelona auditorium along with Fermín Vázquez and Anna Puigjanner and led by Fermín Tribaldos. 27/06/19 - CF
- Keynote lecture 'From the creative process to constructed reality' at the Jury of Architectural Projects. 22/05/19 - Lucía Ferrater
- Talk 'Vacuum as space to generate architecture' and subsequent presentation of the Devil's lamp at the 15 de Velázquez in Madrid. 15/05/19 - CF
- Participation at Talks that Matter 'Exporting Architecture: beyond Catalunya', organised by Matter Barcelona, where Carlos Ferrater talks about the Torre Hipódromo in Guadalajara, Mexico. 09/05/19 - C. Ferrater
- Carlos Ferrater gives the lecture 'Vacuum and Light' for 1st Year Architectural Project students at the ETSAB.
- Talk 'The place as a limit. Fronts.' as part of the Port and City series at the COAIB in Minorca. 15/03/19 - C. Ferrater
- Carlos and Borja Ferrater take part in the conference "Chef's Home" along with the Torres brothers at the Roca Barcelona Gallery. 22/01/19 - C. Ferrater
- Carlos Ferrater gives a talk at the 25th Face to Face Bcn Meeting organised by Mónica Galindo, at "El Escondite de Gracia".
- Talk "Light, Materiality, Scenery: Geometry'', as part of the "European Art School. Rethinking the Mediterranean Academy Project" workshop at the AAC_Academy for Architecture Culture" in Hamburg, Germany (19/09/18)"
- Talk at the EDGE National Architecture Conference 2018, in the Australian Institute of Architects (7/06/18)
- Participation in the 'Emptiness and light' talk as part of the Prize-giving of the 4th Edition of the Artificial Light International Photography Contest (ICAL) at the Pavelló Mies Van der Rohe. 30/05/18
- Lecture ‘Emptiness as a Generative Space of Architecture' as part of the International Conference Arquitectonics Network: Mind, Land and Society at the Events Hall of the ETSAB. 28/05/18
- Lecture 'Emptiness as Generative Space in Architecture' organized by the CCB_Cátedra Blanca Barcelona at the ETSAB.
- Lecture 'Emptiness as a Generative Space of Architecture' and subsequent presentation of the Diábolo lamp at Bilbao. 14/04/18
- Lecture 'Landscape & Geometry' at the American University of Beirut. 19/03/18
- Lecture on Landscaping, Systems, materiality and light' at the Fine Arts Academy in Beirut. 19/03/18
- Lecture on 'Emptiness as Generative Space' in the 2018 lecture series at the COAIB in Menorca. (09/02/18). CF
- Lecture on 'Konstruktive logik und harmonishche Gestaltung - Urbaner Stahlbau mit mediterranem Flair' as part of the Internationaler Architektur-Kongress in Essen, Germany. (18/01/18) - BF
- Lecture on 'Emptiness' at the concluding session of the 'Hospital Architecture in the 21st Century' postgraduate course in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion for students of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Escola Sert of the COAC.(30/11/17). CF
- Lecture 'Apropos the City and the Landscape' to students of the Féliz Arranz workshop 'Bases for the Project 1' at the OAB Gallery. (31/10/17) - CF
- Lecture on 'Ceramic Panels' as part of the lecture cycle of Vicenç Sarrablo's Ceramics Chair at the UIC. (10/10/17) – X. Martí
- Lecture on 'The Void' as the inaugural event of the Open Lecture Program at the 10th International Workshop on Architecture and Landscape, 2017, organized by RCR Arquitectos in the Hospice Courtyard, Olot. (31/07/2017) - CF
- Participation as a speaker, and then took part in a round table discussion, on Hotels and Sustainability as part of the Architectural Visions Conference in La Salle. (08/06/17) – X. Martí
- Xavier Martí participated as a speaker, and then took part in a round table discussion, on Hotels and Sustainability as part of the Architectural Visions Conference in La Salle. (08/06/17) - BF
- Accompanied by the professors Jonathan Barnes y Allison Drda, Borja Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of Ohio State University students at the OAB Gallery. (14/03/17) - BF
- Carlos Ferrater gave the lecture "Small in Size: The Realm of the Intimate," organized by the Cátedra Blanca Barcelona at the ETSAB. http://catedrablancabarcelona.com/grado (17/04/17) - CF
- Borja Ferrater lectured on "Landscape, Light and Materiality" as part of Architects@Work at the CCIB - Barcelona International Convention Center. http://www.architectatwork.es/ (30/03/17) - BF
- Accompanied by the professors Jonathan Barnes y Allison Drda, Borja Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of Ohio State University students at the OAB Gallery. (14/03/17) - BF
- Participation as a speaker in the summing up of the 2016 Architectural Congress on 'The New Architecture Law and the Tools of the Architect' held at the Catalan Architects Association. (22/11/16) - CF
- Lecture for the Central Society of Architects in Buenos Aires in the Association's headquarters, which the University of Palermo also attended. (26/10/16) – CF
- Lecture and subsequent press conference aimed at the guest exhibitors, as part of the congress organized by the DaRa Association in the CCk Auditorium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (24/10/16) - CF
- Accompanied by Mercè Berengué, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of American architecture students from Roger Williams University, Clemson University, and Texas A&M University, as part of the academic program of the BAC. (08/11/16) - CF
- Together with Ricardo Bofill, Carlos Ferrater gave the inaugural class and led the subsequent debate at the Polytechnic College of Advanced Architecture in Girona, as part of the MARQ Masters in Architecture lecture program. (14/10/16) - CF
- Carlos Ferrater participated in the Architecture in the Pyrenean Landscape seminar, together with architects Ramón Maria Puig, Toni Gironès, Josep Bunyesc, Francisco Mangado and Esteve Bonell. (23/07/16) - CF
- Lecture 'A place for Architecture' as part of IAAC lecture series 2016. (19/05/16) - CF + BF
- Lecture 'A Place for Architecture' to architecture students of Projects VI course at the ETSAB. (09/05/16) - CF
- Lecture 'Light, Systems, Landscape, Materiality… and Geometry’ as part of the ATMOSPHERES lecture series at the Knowlton School of Architecture in Ohio. 24/02/16 - BF
- Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture entitled “On the city and the landscape” at the ETSAB. -CF
- Conferència “Materiales, industria y arquitectura” a l’ESARQ de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC, dins el marc de l’assignatura de Càtedra Ceràmica. - CF & BF
- Conferència per als estudiants d’arquitectura de la Universitat Roger Williams, Clemson i Texas A&M, USA juntament amb Mercè Berengué i Miguel Roldán arquitectos a la Galeria OAB i posterior visita guiada al Jardí Botànic de Barcelona. – Carlos Ferrater & Núria Ayala
- Conferència ‘Vivienda y Ciudad’ als alumnes d’Urbanisme 2 a l’ESARQ de la UIC. -CF
- Participació de Carlos Ferrater a l’event “Mistu: Arquitectura y Luz” organitzat per Mistu (TRASLUZ), en el que entre altres dissenys es presentaren les Làmpares de la Sèrie CF. Espacio RI Culture. (22/10/15) -CF
- Participació al ‘Lighting Talks Forum. Ideas for Visionary development’ amb una breu presentació dels projectes d’OAB al MACBA. (06/10/15) -Borja Ferrater
- Materials, Industry, and Architecture' lecture at the ESARQ of the UIC (International University of Catalonia) as part of the Ceramics Chair course. - CF
- Talk in the OAB Gallery to the architecture students of Roger Williams, Clemson, and Texas A&M Universities (USA), along with architects Mercè Berengué and Miguel Roldán, and subsequent guided tour of the Barcelona Botanical Garden. – Carlos Ferrater & Núria Ayala
- Housing and City' talk to the Urbanism 2 students at the ESARQ of the UIC. –CF
- Participation in the 'Mistu: Architecture and Light' event organized by Mistu (TRASLUZ), at which, among other designs, the CF Lamps Series were presented. RI Culture Space. (22/10/15) -CF
- Participation in the ‘Lighting Talks Forum: Ideas for Visionary Development,’ with a short presentation of OAB's project at the MACBA. (06/10/15) -Borja Ferrater
- Participation as a speaker as the 'Architectural and Technological Innovation in Amortizing Restoration Work' as part of the Architectonic Visions Lecture in the Arts Santa Mónica Centre. http://www.visionesarquitectonicas.com/programa (06/10/15) - Núria Ayala
- Launch of the ‘Cocktail’ fireplace designed by Carlos Ferrater, followed by a discussion between the designer, Miguel Milà and Oscar Tusquets in the OAB Gallery, organized by DAE Chimeneas. http://www.daechimeneas.com/page.php?producto=50# https://youtu.be/ueAOgSsx_QY (16/09/15) -CF
- A master class on "Tempo in Project Designing" as part of BBB-Construmat with the cooperation of Fira de Barcelona and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Fira de Barcelona, Gran Vía, Barcelona. (19/05/15) – CF
- Presentation of the Kees Kaan lecture "Under Construction" as part of BBB- Construmat, with the cooperation of Fira de Barcelona and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Fira de Barcelona, Gran Vía, Barcelona. http://miesbcn.com/ca/calendari/kees-kaan-lecture-under-construction/" (18/05/15) -CF.
- A keynote speech in Saint Sebastian Church in Mantua, Italy, as part of "Mantova Architettura," organized by Milan Polytechnic with the collaboration of Casabella. (14/05/15) -CF
- Participation in a round table discussion in Saint Sebastian Church, Mantua, Italy, as part of "Mantova Architettura," organized by Milan Polytechnicin in collaboration with Casabella. (13/05/15) -CF
- A conversation with Carlos Ferrater. Participation in a talk organized by El Món Il.lustrat and presented by Josep Mª Montaner, architect, in the Can Ginestar CIM Interpretation Center in Sant Just Desvern. (11/03/15) -CF
- A talk given at the SYMPOSIUM_THINK TANK_BCN-HGK, embracing the studio’s interventions, thoughts and ideas about the waterfronts of Barcelona and Hong Kong, organized by Barcelona Regional. (10/03/15) -CF
- Intervention in round table discussion 3, ‘Actors and agents involved in the production of the city: public, private and in partnership. The roles of the designer,’ along with Amador Ferrer (moderator), Aurora López and Pere Joan Revetllat, as part of ‘Workshop 6: The Forms of Metropolitan Construction’ organized by Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB). (05/03/15) -CF
- "Self-building and the Resident" lecture at the ETSAB, organized by the CCB. 02/03/14 -CF
- Lecture on the Promenade in Benidorm as part of the "Jornadas Obras de Arquitectura" in the Generalitat Valenciana, in a collaboration between the Generalitat and Valencia City Hall. 13/01/15 - Xavier Martí
- Lecture at the Instituto Cervantes in Paris as part of the "Azulejo" workshop organized by ICEX España. (31/10/14) -CF
- Carlos Ferrater gave his "Multi-family housing: 10 examples, 10 experiences" lecture at the ETSAB. (17/11/14) -CF
- Intervention as a speaker during the OFICINAS RETHINK 2014 Lecture. Organized by Grupo Via. The Ofita showroom in Barcelona. http://grupovia.net/index.php/eventos/proximos-eventos/192-oficinas-rethink-30-de-septiembre-barcelona-showroom-ofita (30/09/2014 - Núria Ayala
- "Last Works" lecture as part of the 70 Documentaries by Lamipa exhibition during Beijing Design Week in China. (28/09/2014) – Borja Ferrater http://www.lamipa.com/
- Inaugural lecture "Fifty Years at the Barcelona Architecture School: 50 Years in 50 minutes," at the ETSAB. (14.10.14) -CF
- Participation in the NAN Barcelona Lecture with a talk about Hotel Mandarin Oriental in Barcelona at the Roca Gallery. (15/10/2014) -CF
- Keynote speech on "The Boundary as Place: Frontages" as part of the BIA Urban Regeneration Forum Congress held at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao. (25/09/2014) – CF http://biaforum.org/programa-del-congreso/
- Carlos Ferrater lecture at the OAB Gallery on "The Boundary as Place: Frontages" as part of the summer course on Universal Accessibility in Architecture and Urban Space organized by Monterrey Tech and the University of Barcelona. (10/07/2014) -CF
- Lecture on "The Boundary as Place: Frontages", at the OAB Gallery to a group of architecture students from the Universidad Javeriana of Colombia, on the occasion of the Spain 2014 Summer Course. OAB Gallery. (01/07/14) -CF
- In the OAB Gallery Borja Ferrater welcomed a group of architecture students from the New York Institute of Technology accompanied by professors Giovanni Santamaria and David Diamond, and the architect Anna Trillo. Borja Ferrater gave a talk on OAB's trajectory of work. (16/06/14) - Borja Ferrater
- Carlos Ferrater participated in the 1st Symposium: Planning, Tourism and Territory. Urban Regeneration in Tourist Towns on the Coast at the Anchovy and Salt Museum of L’Escala, Girona, on 6 and 7 June 2014. -CFhttp://www.canal10.cat/media-gallery/mediaitem/11252-simposi-amb-carlos-ferrater
- Carlos Ferrater participated in the “Last Works” congress organized by Espaço de Arquitectura in Lisbon. Lecture in the auditorium of the Lisbon International Fair (FIL), presenting projects by the OAB studio. He was introduced by the architect Sofía Machado, who was also responsible for chairing the subsequent debate. He also participated in the gathering held in the Roca Lisboa Gallery, where he presented the project for the Roca Barcelona Gallery realized by OAB. (06/05/14) -CF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpv052koJR0
- Giving of a keynote lecture as part of the 4th International Contract Meeting – SAIE Mexico City (21/02/14). - Xavier Martí
- Participation in the round table on 'Keys to furthering cooperation between industry, architects, hoteliers and developers, opportunities for providing increased returns on investments, value in terms of projects, and simplifying operative issues', along with José Antonio Rivera, Enrique Villanueva, Jorge Arditti and Manuel Martos, as part of the 4th International Contract Meeting – SAIE Mexico City. (21/02/14) –Xavier Martí
- Carlos Ferrater vs. OAB' lecture, given to the students and teachers of the Architecture School of the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. (31.10.13). -CF
- Participation as a speaker in the 'Conversation about DESENHO IBÉRICO.’ Roca Gallery. (15.10.13) -CF
- Opening address on 'Engineering and Architecture' during the ceremony to mark the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year at the UPC. (13.09.13). -CF
- “The Hotel Juan Carlos I and Catalonia Convention Center Buildings” lecture as part of the Masters in Project Design and Management in the Contemporary City. Workshop led by Estanislau Roca at the ETSAB. (09.07.13) -CF
- Lecture for the MASTER MADRID CITY at CEU San Pablo University, Madrid. (01.07.13) -CF
- ‘Landscape and Geometry’ lecture given by Carlos Ferrater to students from Javeriana University, Colombia, in the OAB Gallery (02.07.13) – CF
- ‘Seafronts’ lecture as part of the opening ceremony of the summer workshop organized by La Salle School of Architecture, Ramon Llull University. (25.06.13) -CF
- The International Projection of Catalan Architecture' lecture as part of the 2nd 'Flama Canigó' series. El Solsonés Local Council. (21.06.13) -CF
- Lecture by Borja Ferrater as part of the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival, held in the Malaysian Institute of Architects. (21.06.13) – Borja Ferrater Talk at the ‘Architecture, Education, and Society 2013’ convention. COAC and ETSAB. (29-30 May) -CF
- International Seminari about Regional Hub Ports. Oscar Niemeyer Museum, RJ, Brasil. (02.05.13) – CF
- Lecture within the I Jornada de Arquitectura Bloques Barruca. Architecture Today: An alive arquitecture. At the Architecture School of Burgos. (25.04.13) - Xavier Martí
- Lecture at the American University of Sharjah (AUS), within the ‘DesignWeek meeting. Sharjah, UAE. (9.04.13 y 10.04.13) - Borja Ferrater
- Lecture ‘Geometry and Ligth’. Organized by Roca and APID. Roca's showroom, Dubai, UAE. (10.04.13) - Borja Ferrater
- ‘Synchronizing Geometry: An Approach to the Logical Structuring of the Project’ at the 14th International Lecture on Interior Architecture organized by the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico (19.02.13) -Xavier Martí
- First part of the lecture ‘Time of Geometry’ at the Harbin University of Architecture in China, with the second part on the following day. (13.03.13). - Borja Ferrater
- Lecture ‘OAB Today’ at the Harvin Institute of Technology in China. (14.03.13) - Borja Ferrater
- Lecture "Atmosphere and light. Experience the light," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (04.03.13) – CF
- Lecture "Thicker than paper 2. Constructing on large scale," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (25.02.13) – CF
- Lecture "Houses and inhabitants. The sphere of intimacy," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (18.02.13). – CF
- Lecture "Materiality. Build with industry," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (11.02.13) – CF
- Lecture "Systems. Beyond the type. Clusters," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (04.02.13) -CF
- Lecture "Systems. Beyond the type. Clusters," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (04.02.13)
- Lecture "Thicker than paper 1. Constructing on large scale," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (22.11.12) -CF
- Lecture “Synchronizing Geometry. Approximation to the logical structure of the project” at the Autonomous University of Nueva León (México). (01.11.12) -Xavier Martí.
- Lecture "Synchronizing Geometry. Shielding the project," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (22.10.12) -CF
- Lecture "Housing and the City. Type and Aggregation," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (15.10.12) -CF
- Lecture on works by OAB studio, for the occasion of the exhibition "OAB Office of Architecture in Barcelona" in CTAV College of Architects of Valencia. Organized by the UEM of Valencia. Lucía Ferrater (04.10.2012)
- Lecture "City and Landscape" for students in the 5th course of the Architecture Studio Course at the ETSAB. (03.10.2012) -CF
- Lecture "Urban Landscapes. The construction of the city," with J. Guillamat, within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (01.10.12) -CF
- Lecture "Landscape and Geometry" in the Hotel La Tour Hassan de Rabat (Morocco). Event organized by ROCA Marroc. (27.09.2012) -CF
- Inaugural lecture "Instant City. When utopia is possible. Ibiza 1971," within the Cátedra Blanca lecture series of 2012-2013 academic year for the course of Architectural Design III-IV third year. Open to the university community. ETSAB Auditorium. (19.09.12) -CF
- Lecture at the International Meeting of Architecture in Guangzhou, China. Organized by Future Architecture (09/09/12). -Borja Ferrater and Xavier Martí.
- Lecture at the International Meeting of Architecture in Shenzhen, China. Organized by Future Architecture. (07/09/12). -Borja Ferrater.
- Round Table "Meeting between Spanish and Chinese architects" in the International Meeting of Architecture in Hangzhou, China. Organized by Future Architecture. (05/09/12) Xavier Martí.
- Participation in the closing ceremony of the 2012 AURS Congress at the COAC. (13.06.12) -CF
- "Light and geometry" lecture in the Instituto Cervantes from Bucharest, Romania. (24.05.12) -Borja Ferrater
- Lecture for Session 2 "Sustainability: sustainable architecture, urban regeneration and technology" during the "Olympic Legacy" seminar that the authorities of the United Kingdom organized to celebrate the 2012 Olympic Games in 2012. Empren Room, Barcelona (10.05.12) -CF
- Speech by Carlos Ferrater at the homage to Luis Moreno Mansilla. ETSAM. (08.05.12) -CF
- Carlos Ferrater participates in the 4th round table "Transversal Conversations IV" in connection with the exhibition "1975-2010 Spanish Architecture 35+. Constructing Democracy." Lecture hall of the Arches of the New Ministries, Madrid. (03.05.2012) -CF
- "Clusters" Lecture by Carlos and Borja Ferrater at the opening ceremony of the Interior Design Master program at the ELISAVA school. -Carlos y Borja Ferrater
- Lecture for the lecture series Arquitecturas de Autor (AA). University of Navarra School of Architecture. (19.04.12) -CF
- Lecture and participation in a debate in the lecture series titled "Dissecting Sustainability." OAB presents the project "Viladoms Summer Camp" at the Barcelona Roca Gallery. (02.04.12) Carlos Ferrater and Núria Ayala.
- Participation as speaker at the vis-a-vis lecture event "Arquitectures construides 5". Menorca Delegation of the COAIB (Official College of Architects of Balearic Islands). (24.02.12) -CF
- Presentation by Xavier Martí at the Masters workshop "Architecture
- Integrated Project" at the La Salle School. (15.03.12)
- Carlos Ferrater gives the lecture, "Houses and Inhabitants" at the opening ceremony for the second semester at ETSAB. (13.02.12) -CF
- Master Lecture for students and faculty of UEM in the context of the School of Architecture's Fantastic Week, and closing of the OAB studio's exhibition. (07.02.12) -CF
- Presentation of the Benidorm Waterfront as an award-winning work at the XIBEAU, and later debate, "Is Town Planning Necessary?" The Archery Room of the New Ministry, Madrid. Xavier Martí. (14.12.11)
- Lecture given by Carlos Ferrater with regards to the 5th anniversary of the NAN awards at Hotel Arts in Barcelona. (30.11.11) -CF
- Round table "Arquitecturas Cerámicas", organized by ASCER and Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad in the Círculo de Bellas artes de Madrid. (25.11.11) -CF
- Borja Ferrater is invited as a featured guest by the school of architecture in Trondheim, to speak at the Light and Architecture Lecture. (08.11.11) -Borja Ferrater
- Inaugural class of the 2011-2012 course at the School of Engineering and Building in Cartagena. (19.10.11) -CF
- Lecture "Benidorm: Paisaje y Geometría" given by Carlos Ferrater and Xavier Martí, at an event organized by HOSBEC and CAM. Presentation room at the Benidorm City Hall. (18.10.11) - Carlos Ferrater y Xavier Martí
- Borja Ferrater presents, "From Geometry to Space by Means of Construction" as a featured speaker at the 2011 Monterey Design Lecture. Asilomar Lecture Grounds, Pacific Grove, California. (09.10.11)
- Lecture by Xavier Martí titled, "Public Space, Living Space. Use of new industrial techniques in ceramics" at the lecture-discussion "L'Abito dell'architettura: "La ceramica per un progetto di città sostenibile", organized by Tile of Spain-ASCER.
- Moderated by Joseph Grima, director of DOMUS. Martini Room at the Congress Center in Rho Fiera (Milan). (06.10.11)
- XXIV International Architecture Congress. Carlos Ferrater guest speaker with Miguel Aguilar, Josep Ferrando, Ramón Sanabria and Esteban Terradas, at The Round Table “Reconstruction of Landscape, Barcelona,” organized by the Cervantes Institute. Tokyo, Japan (29.09.11). -CF
- Lecture and subsequent discussion at the International Architecture Meeting SC2011 SPAIN-CHINA in the Roca BarcelonaGaller. (22.09.11) -CF
- Inaugural class in UEM. Inaugural class in the 4th course of the School of Architecture at UEM. Carlos Ferrater. (20.09.11) -CF
- Lecture “Benidorm Waterfront” by Xavier Martí under the Congress meeting titled “Summer Days of the Union of Estonian Architects” in Pärnu (Estonia). (09.07.11)
- International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement under the motto “Cementando un futuro sostenible”. Organized by Cemex. Carlos Ferrater spoke in the section titled “Singular Concrete Constructions.” Palace of Congress in Madrid. (05.07.11) -CF
- Lecture by Carlos Ferrater at the international event “Basque Living.” Palace of Congress of Euskalduna, Bilbao. http://www.basqueliving.com/fr/#/Presse (20.06.11) -CF
- Lecture by Carlos Ferrater titled "Ciclo de conferencias con motivo de la Capitalidad Cultural de Córdoba.” Architecture: Rafael de la Hoz and Carlos Ferrater, moderated by Arturo Franco. Candelaria Hermitage, Córdoba. (16.06.11) -CF
- Lecture and book presentation Paseo Marítimo de Benidorm, by Xavier Martí. Territorial College of Architects in Alicante. (07.06.11)
- The theme of the meeting "Visiones Arquitectónicas" focused on identifying sustainable architecture solutions that may provide solution to the current situation. Carlos Ferrater presents at a Round Table with Jordi Vidal, Joan Sabaté, Jesus Maria and Daniel Susperregui Mila, on "New Visions of sustainable architecture." In the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. (07.06.11) -CF
- Showcase of Spanish Architecture in Toledo. Carlos Ferrater presents the Benidorm Waterfront in the Showcase of Spanish Architecture, organized by the School of Architecture at UCLM. Palace of Cardinal Lorenzana, Toledo. -CF
- Lecture by Carlos Ferrater and Núria Ayala at the BIAU lecture series about the headquarters of the Azahar Business Group. Madrid. - Carlos Ferrater y Núria Ayala.
- Debate on “The future of the university”, with the participation of the directors of white chairs, Vicente Mas, Eduardo Vicenç, Antonio Ortiz, Fernando Cuesta as representative of CEMEX. (03.03.11) -CF
- "White Geometry", lecture as part of the 5th Matter and Form Lectures organized by the Cátedra Blanca Cemex Valencia. (03/03/11) -CF
- Master class “Casas para un nuevo escenario” for third year students of ETSAB. (16.02.11) -CF
- Lecture "Nuevas Arquitecturas para Bilbao". OAB, CARLOS FERRATER & Partners experiences in Bilbao. Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao. (19.01.11) -CF
- Lecture "Revisiting Torreblanca", as part of the International. Lecture on Intervening in the Architectural heritage. COAC lecture hall. (18/12/10) http://www2.coac.net/escolasert/?fitxa&idx=693&lang=C -Núria Ayala
- Lecture during the "Architecture and Industry" seminar organized by theArchitecture and Society Foundation. (26/11/10) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture for 5th-year students at the ETSAB.(24/11/10) -CF
- “Barcelona Botanical Garden 1989-2009”, lecture as part of the 21st Master's Course Projects. (24/11/10) -CF
- “White Geometry”, lecture. Baleares College of Architects. (11/11/10) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture at the Istambul College of Architects. (14/10/10) -CF http://www.mimarist.org/index.cfm?Sayfa=belge&Sub=detail&RecID=741
- "Dwelling in Stone", lecture as part of the presentation of the Líticaforum, Organized by the LÍTICA Communications Platform, Andalusian StoneTechnology (CTAP) and the Surgenia Andalusian Technological Center of Design. At the COAC. (05/10/10) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", videoLecture master class, as part of the "Transformation and Architecture: Changing the Isthmus" Professorship. Guatemals Isthmus University. (29/09/10) -CF
- "The Eixample", lecture by Carlos Ferrater. 11:30 am, ETSAB lecture hall. http://etsab-catedra-blanca.blogspot.com/ (20/09/10) -CF
- "Synchronizing Geometry", lecture, on the occasion of the opening of the Synchronizing Geometry exhibition at the Casa dell'Architettura in Rome. (09/09/10) -CF
- “Materiality", lecture as part of the ecoGranic Lecture organized by Tudela Paving (PVT). Carlos Ferrater and Borja Ferrater. Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC). http://www.pvt.es/es/noticias/index.php?id=105 (15/06/10) - Carlos and Borja Ferrater
- Caixa Forum Saragossa round table, with Iñaki Ábalos, Foa, Patxi Mangado and Carme Pinós. ETSAB Barcelona. (18/02/09) -CF
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lecture. Closing ceremony of the postgraduate course In Designing Interior Space (5th installment). ELISAVA-IDEC (23/02/09) -CF
- Lecture as part of the "Lecture Series to Commemorate 25 Years of the Cantabria Official College of Architects". (06/03/09) -CF
- Lecture as part of the ASCER Seminar for Journalists at the ART+BOOKS bookshop, Madrid. (24/03/09) -CF
- Lecture at the Festival delle città impresa “Skyline verticale per il terzo Veneto”, in Camposampiero, Padua. (04/04/09) -CF
- Lecture at the ETSAB: "AA House, Llampaies House, and House for a photographer in Alcanar”, Barcelona. (20/04/09) -CF
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lecture as part of the 21st Hernando Colón Architecture Series, Seville University. (21/04/09) -CF
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture for Cátedra Blanca students at the Seville School of Architecture. (22/04/09) -CF
- Lecture as part of the "Criticism and Design" Master's Course at the ETSAB in Barcelona. (24/04/09) -CF
- Lecture to students on the Official Architecture and the City Master's Course (MOAC), Alcalá de Henares School of Architecture, Madrid. (29/04/09) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture at Alcalá de Henares University. (29/04/09) -CF
- Lecture as part of the inauguration of Aquileia Tower, Jesolo, Venice. (07/05/09) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture as part of the Cátedra Cerámica at the ETSA in Valencia. (14/05/09) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture as part of the Lecture on Architecture organized by Porcelanosa Grupo, S.A. With César Luís Larrea. Castellón. (21/05/09) -CF
- Lecture during the “Architecture and Virtuality” seminar (Second International Architectonics Network Seminar) at the ETSAB, Barcelona. (05/07/09) -CF
- "Architectural Attractions", lecture sponsored by PAREX, with the participation of Núria Ayala, as part of the Spanish Architects Congress in Valencia. (01/07/09)
- "Do Polyvalent Spaces Exist?" Round table organized by FIGUERAS. With Jose Mª Tomás Salvaddor and Federico Soriano. Valencia Convention Center. (01/07/09) -CF
- Round table as part of the opening of the exhibition Catalan Architecture 2004- 2009 at the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris. (07/10/09) -CF
- "Saragossa Station", lecture as part of the "Great Stations of the 21st Century: Reinventing the City Center" Lecture at the Community of Valencia College of Architects. (20/10/09) -CF
- "Architecture and Geometry", lecture as part of the "Concrete in Sports Stadiums and Facilities" technical congress organized by IECA Zona Levante. (29/10/09) -CF
- Discussion at the Barcelona Association of Technical Architects about the 2009 FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards, with reference to the Mediapro Building on the Audiovisual Campus, among other finalist projects. (05/11/09) -CF
- "Materials and Architecture", seminar-cum-debate organized by the Architecture and Society Foundation. Led by Carlos Ferrater and Francisco Mangado, this was held on 13 and 20 November in the Sala “Gómez de la Serna” at the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. -CF
- Presentation, as part of the "Salon de l’Immobilier d’Entreprise", of the Bureau Jazz office building in the ZAC Seguin-Rives de Seine in Boulogne-Billancourt (Paris). Presentation by Alberto Peñín. (03/12/09) -CF
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lecture, Cátedra Luis Barragán. Luis Helizondo Auditorium. Tecnológico de Monterrey. (31/03/08) -CF
- Round table at the MARCO Museum. Monterrey (31/03/08) -CF
- "Landscape and Geometry", lecture. COA Granada. (24/04/08) -CF
- "Landscape and Architecture", lecture. 9th APEGA Congress. Caixa Girona Building. (29/04/08) -CF
- Lecture to the Association of Russian Architects given by Borja Ferrater. At OAB. (30/04/08)
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lectures. Monterols College, Barcelona. (10/05/08) -CF
- Lecture at OAB to members of ZT Forum Austria. (21/05/08) -Borja Ferrater
- Speaker at the 2008 Arkitech Congress on Innovation in Architecture: Construction as Theory. Hotel Gallery Barcelona. (27/05/08)
- Lecture. Communal Housing Master's Course. ETSAM. (14/05/08) -CF
- Lecture at OAB to students of Münster School of Architecture (Germany), accompanied by Prof. Annette Hillebrandt. (02/06/08) -Borja Ferrater
- Lecture by Borja Ferrater at OAB to students of Wuppertal School of Architecture (Germany), accompanied by Prof. Annette Hillebrandt. (13/06/08)
- "Tradition and Modernity in Architecture: The Auditorium Building, 1889", lecture. Caixa Forum. Madrid. (22/09/08) -CF
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lecture. La Alhambra. Granada. (25/09/08)
- Lecture at the COAM Foundation for the opening of the exhibition Synchronizing Geometry. (09/10/08) -CF
- "Geometry Versus Construction", lecture. Cátedra de Cerámica. ETSAM lecture hall. (12/11/08) -CF
- "Skyscrapers and the City", lecture. COAM Foundation, Madrid. (24/11/08)
- Participation on the round table "Space and Form: Designing Roca's Future". (25/11/08) -Borja Ferrater
- "Linkup Center", lecture. Barcelona. (17/01/07) -CF
- "Works and Projects", lecture given by Borja Ferrater to students of Münster University. Cátedra de Fernando Ramos. Carlos Ferrater Studio. (20/01/07)
- "Houses and Their Inhabitants", lecture in the "21st-Century Architecture" lecture series. Spanish Cultural Center. Mexico City. (12/02/07) -CF
- "Synchronizing Geometry: Intermittent Continuity", lecture. Museum of Fine Arts. Mexico City. (12/03/07) -CF
- "Synchronizing Geometry", lecture. Catalonia College of Architects. (10/05/07) -CF
- "Works and Projects", lecture given by Borja Ferrater to students from Lille. Carlos Ferrater Studio. (11/05/07)
- "Synchronized Geometry: Landscape, Architecture and Construction", lecture given by Borja Ferrater. Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Har Hazofim in Jerusalem. (17/05/07)
- Lecture in “The RIBA Manchester Lectures” series. (02/07/07) -Borja Ferrater
- Lecture "Works and Projects", to students from the IAAC, Canad at OAB studio. (19/07/07) -CF
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture for the Architecture and Contemporary Culture course. Almería College of Architects. (20/07/07) -CF
- "Barcelona FC Extension", lecture. Catalonia College of Architects. (11/10/07) -CF
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture. Llotja de Barcelona. (23/10/07) -CF
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture. Porto Fair Enclosure. (26/10/07) -CF
- Lecture in the Technical Seminar on Architecture. CSCAE-ICEX. Shinjuku Park Tower building. Japan. (30/10/07) –B. Ferrater
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, master class during the closing session of the 14th International Lecture on Intervening in the Historical Heritage. La Rioja College of Architects. (17/11/07) -CF
- “Works and Projects”, lecture for the Communal Housing Master's Course. Madrid School of Architecture. (20/01/06) -CF
- "Rehabilitation of the Modern heritage: The Internacional Decaux Headquarters”, lecture. Industrial Architecture Lecture. Official College of Industrial Engineers of Madrid. (24/01/06) -CF
- "Promenade in Benidorm" and "Remembering Yago Conde", lectures at Columbia University. (11/02/06) -CF
- "Church in Hospitalet", lecture given by Lucía Ferrater. Master's Course, Chiese. Trento. (22/04/06)
- "Recent Work", lecture. Badajoz College of Architects. (17/03/06) -CF
- "Works and Projects", lecture given by Borja Ferrater to students of the University of Washington. Carlos Ferrater Studio. (17/03/06)
- Round table during "The City Looks at Housing" Lecture. Municipal Housing and Land of the City of Madrid. (31/03/06) -CF
- Facultät Architektur + Landschaft, lecture given by Borja Ferrater. Hanover. (09/05/06)
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture. Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires. (09/05/06) -CF
- “Works and Projects”, lecture. City of Mendoza Auditorium. (10/05/06) -CF
- Lecture for the 21st-Century Housing Master's Course, "Landscape, Housing and the City". Director: Joseph María Montaner. ETSAB. UPC. (12/05/06) -CF
- Round table. Architects: Ion Montero, Joseph Llinás, Esteve Terradea, Carlos Ferrater. Presenter: Francisco Cobs. Grupo Vía. Equestrian Circle of Barcelona. “Barcelona, and Now What?” (18/05/06) -CF
- "Barcelona: Between Public and Generic Space", lecture for the Barcelona Architecture Master's Course. La Pedrera. (20/06/06) -CF
- "Fronts", lecture. Palma de Mallorca College of Architects lecture hall. Palma exhibition: Changeable Front: Projects in Palma de Mallorca. Cátedra Blanca. (29/06/06) -CF
- “Synchronizing Geometry”, lecture. McCloska Lecture Center, McCormick Tribune. Campus Center (MTCC). IIT Chicago. (06/09/06) -CF
- "Zaragoza Intermodal Station", lecture. Sustainable Mobility in the Urban Environment seminar, sponsored by the Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish Railways Foundation, and the BioUniversity Foundation. Given by José María Valero. Villajoyosa, Alicante. (21/09706) -CF
- Round table on the Palma de Mallorca Seafront. Representatives of Palma de Mallorca City Council and the Baleares Government. GESA lecture hall. (06/10/06) -CF
- Lecture given by Borja Ferrater to students from the University of Montana. Carlos Ferrater Studio. (10/10/06)
- Carlos Ferrater: Works and Projects”, lecture. BALUARTE, Navarre Convention Center and Auditorium, Pamplona. Sponsored by Technal. (23/11/06) -CF
- Arcelor Lecture: Steel Structures for Height Construction. Lecture: Aquileia Tower, Almeda Park, and a tower in Cordoba. La Cartuja, Seville. (17/10/06) -CF
- "Synchronizing Geometry" and "Works", lectures given by Borja Ferrater to students on the Zurich ETH Proyect Design Course. Ferrater Studio. (28/11/06)
- "Dwelling in the Present" lecture. Housing in Spain: Society, City, technology and Resources (Housing and Public Space in Roger de Flor). Arquería de Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid. (30/11/06) -CF
- "Synchronizing Geometry: Landscape, Architecture and Construction", lecture. 5th Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Ministry of Housing.MERCOSUR Building, Rambla Wilson n/n, Montevideo, Uruguay. (6/12/06) -CF
- Round table on the Palma de Mallorca Seafront. Introduction: Catalina Terrassa. Speaker: Juan José Ferrando. Presenter: Marina Sans. Participants: Rafael Vidal, Gloria Peñalva, Carlos Ferrater, Lourdes Bosch, Antoni Ramis. (Palma New City Council Project). (13/11/06) -CF
- “Works and Projects”, lecture given by Borja Ferrater to students of the Fachhochschule Münster participating in the Internacional Workshop Münster, Barcelona, organized by Dr. Fernando Ramos, professor in the Architectural Constructions Department of the ETSAB, and Anna Ramos, associate professor of the same dept. Carlos Ferrater Studio. (20/01/05)
- “Fronts”, lecture. Comunidad Valenciana College of Architects. (02/02/05) -CF
- "Geometry as a Means of Approaching Landscape", lecture. Valencia School of Architecture. (17/02/05) -CF
- "Geometry as a Means of Approaching Landscape" lecture. Madrid College of Architects. (24/02/05) -CF
- “25 Works 25 Projects”, lecture. Arquerías de los Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid. (17/03/05) -CF
- Round table at Arquerías Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid. C. Ferrater/B. Tagliabue/C. Lamela. Presenter: C. Ruiz Larrea. (17/03/05) -CF
- "West Beach Promenade", lecture. Benidorm City Council lecture hall. (21/03/05) -CF
- Round table in Construmat on Casa Barcelona. Glenn Murcutt, Carlos Jiménez, Ignacio Paricio, Carlos Ferrater. Presenter: Luis Fernández Galiano. (14/04/05)
- "Sustainable Planning", lecture during the 2nd International Congress on Sustainable Architecture in Construmat. (16/04/05) -CF
- Round table about "The Architect as a Crucial Factor in Sustainability". César Ruiz Larrea, Carlos Ferrater. Presenter Mercè Mazurca. (16/04/05) -CF
- "5 Projects", lecture at the “Viaggio in Europa. Architterura tra esperienze.
- Visión e realtà” international Lecture. Museo Revoltella. Trieste. (28/05/05) -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture at the A.G. Association of Architects' Offices. Santiago de Chile. (09/06/05) -CF
- "Geometry as a Means of Approaching Landscape", lecture to students of the Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago de Chile. (10/06/05) -CF
- Architectural Project Design, Research and the University, lecture during the 5th Ernest Lluch Seminar on Emergent Architectures and Civil Society: The Catalan Case. (23/08/05) -CF
- "Fronts", lecture during the project design workshop "New Opportunities for the Benicàssim Coastline". Organized by the Valencia School of Architecture, Benicàssim Town Council, and the Castellón and Ascer Regional College of Architects. Villa Elisa. Benicàssim (22/09/05) -CF
- “Constructing the Contemporary City on the Basis of Infrastructures of Mobility"", lecture. As part of the Architecture and Transport lecture series. Mediterranean Center, Granada University. Motril. (26/09/05) -CF
- "3 Apartment Buildings and a Social Center in the Cerdà Ensanche", lecture for the 21st-Century Housing Laboratory Master's Course, ETSAB (19/10/05). -CF
- “Works and Projects”, lecture in the “Incontri di Architettura” in San Donná di Piave. Venice. (07/11/05) -CF
- "Projects", lecture during the 4th Ceramics Congress. Castellón Auditorium. (16/11/05) -CF
- "Landscape and the City", lecture during the Lecture on Real Estate Innovation. Equestrian Circle. Barcelona. (23/11/05) - CF
- Round table: Carlos Ferrater, Daniel Freixa, Carme Pinós and Eduard Bru. Presenter: Claudio Zon. Lecture on Real Estate Innovation. Equestrian Circle. Barcelona. (23/11/05) -CF
- "Architecture and Society", lecture at the International Forum on Architecture and Society: Cathedrals of the 21st Century. Europa Convention Center. Vitoria. (14/12/05) - CF
- "Geometry as a Means of Approaching Landscape", lecture. School of Journalism. Granada School of Architecture. (16/12/05) - CF
- "3-3-3+1", lecture. Literary Cabinet. Las Palmas COA. - CF
- "Landscapes After the Battle", lecture. Pilar i Joan Miró Foundation, Palma de Mallorca. -CF
- Lecture and debate: Toyo Ito, Alejandro Zaera, Arata Isozaki, Luis Cantallops, Carlos Ferrater. 5th The City Changes Century Forum, 2004 Metropolitan Territories. COAC. -CF
- Lecture on recent work. Studio at Calle Balmes 145. For students of the Delft School of Architecture. -CF
- Lecture in the central hall of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. -CF
- Lecture and visit with architects from all over Spain. Castellón Auditorium. -CF
- "Limits", lecture at the Institute of Advanced Architecture. -CF
- Organizing of a 2003-2004 lecture series on architecture auteurs: Tuñón-Mansilla, Zaera. -CF
- Round table on Catalan Architecture. Catalonia College of Architects. A. Plà/C. Ferrater/J.M. Montaner/J. Sanamartí/B. Taglaibue. Presenter: Joseph Muntañola. -CF
- Paper at the Congress of White Architecture. -CF
- “Paesaggi dopo una bataglia”, lecture. Venice Faculty of Architecture. VideoLecture. Buenos Aires-Barcelona Encounter. Linkup Center. Barcelona. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture. Palermo School of Architecture. -CF
- Talk and discussion on "Geometry as a Means of Approaching Landscape and Urban Form". Sarriá College of Architects. -CF
- "My Own Work", lecture in "The Architecture Seven" lecture series. Catalonia College of Architects. -CF
- "Film Architecture: Light", lecture given to students from the Film School. Carlos Ferrater Studio. -CF
- "Church in Hospitalet", lecture given by Lucia Ferrater. Chiese Master's Course. Trento.
- "Tall Buildings and Other Projects", lecture. EINA School Barcelona. -CF
- Lecture for the 21st-Century Housing Laboratory Master's Course. -CF
- Round table during the Innovation in Architecture Lecture. Juli Capella, Pere Puig, Jordi Ludevid, Carlos Ferrater. -CF
- "Landscape, Systems, Light, Materiality", lecture. Main rectory hall. Monterrey Campus, Mexico. -CF
- “Thicker Than Paper”, lecture at the Ibero-American University, Mexico City. -CF
- "Recent Projects", lecture. EINA School. Barcelona. -CF
- "Castellón Auditorium", lecture at the Castellón Auditorium. -CF
- “L’architettura del mediterraneo”, lecture. Museo Revoltella Auditorium. Trieste, Italy. -CF
- Round table on "Sustainable Architecture". Hotel Ritz. Barcelona. -CF
- "3-3-3-1", lecture. Days of Oris. Zagreb. Croatia. -CF
- "Landscapes After the Battle", lecture. Valencia School of Architecture central hall. -CF
- "3-3-3-1", lecture. De la Salle School of Architecture. Barcelona. -CF
- Lecture in the Catalonia Convention Center as part of the Professional Seminar on Productivity, Marketing and Project Organization. Catalonia Convention Center. -CF
- "Three Projects", lecture at the EINA School. -CF
- "Recent Work", lecture. Barcelona School of Architecture. -CF
- "PSLM 12", lecture. DAIM Facoltá di Archittetura di Pescara. Italy. -CF
- “Intervento a la cittá”, lecture. Castello Maschio Angionino. Comune di Napoli. -CF
- Lecture during the 3rd Barcelona Change of Century Forum. Escola Sert. -CF
- "PSLM 13", lecture. Lusiada University, Lisbon. -CF
- Lecture during the International Congress on Construction in Architecture. Catalonia College of Architects. -CF
- "PSLM 14", lecture. Bregada Delegration, COAC. -CF
- "PSLM 15", lecture at the COAC during the presentation of BAU 2003 and round table. -CF
- "Architecture of Change", lecture during the Lecture on Real Estate Innovation. -CF
- "The Concept of Limits in Architecture", lecture during the Days of Architectures seminar. Ovalen Galerije. Piran. -CF
- “Musée des Confluences à Lyon”, lecture-cum-discussion. Algar Residence. Barcelona. -CF
- "On Risk", lecture at the ETSAB. Project Design final year. -CF
- “Complexe à l’Avenue Diagonal”, lecture during the "Un architecte: un bâtiment" lecture series. Epilogue: Musée des Confluences. The Arsenal. Paris. -CF
- "PSLM 10", lecture. Cadiz College of Architects. -CF
- Paper at "The Future of the Architect" international congress. -CF
- "Housing: The Generating Space", lecture at the International Congress for the Housing of the Future. Anaviv. Valencia Convention Center Auditorium. -CF
- “The Hotel Juan Carlos I”, lecture. Sert School. Barcelona College of Architects lecture hall. -CF
- "Landscape, Systems, Light, Materiality", lecture 11 in the Contemporary Architecture Lecture Series at the College of Architects and Association of Mexican Architects, Mexico City. -CF
- "PSLM 6", lecture. Palma de Mallorca. -CF
- "The Botanical Garden", lecture. EINA School. Barcelona. -CF
- "The Eixample of Barcelona", lecture. Pro Eixample Lecture. La Pedrera. Barcelona. -CF
- Conferencia "PSLM 7", lecture. Lyons School of Architecture, as part of the Lyons exhibition Josep Lluis Sert et la Méditerranée. -CF
- "The Botanical Garden", lecture. Barcelona College of Architects. -CF
- "The Catalonia Convention Center and the Saragossa HST", lecture. Barcelona School of Architecture. -CF
- "Personal Work", lecture. Architecture Week 2000. Comunidad Valenciana College of Architects. -CF
- "Catalonia Convention Center", lecture. Hotel Ritz. Barcelona. Lecture at the Association of Technical Architects: "Site-poured Concrete". Association of Technical Architects. Barcelona. -CF
- "The Catalonia Convention Center and the Saragossa HST", lecture. The future of the Architect. ETSAB. -CF
- Lecture at the Catalonia Convention Center. International University of Catalonia. -CF
- "PSLM 8", lecture during the July 2000 summer course, King Juan Carlos University, Almería. Opening address at the Madrid School of Architecture for "The Garden as Built Form" lecture series. September 2000. -CF
- Closing address at the 8th International Alvar Aalto Symposium. “Architecture in the year Zero”. Jyvaskylä, Finland. August 2000. -CF
- Lecture at the 12th Chile Architecture Biennial. -CF
- Lecture delivered by Joan Guibernau in Guadalajara. Mexico. -CF
- "Landscape, Systems, Light, Materiality", lecture. Closing address at the Josep Lluís Sert et la Méditerranée exhibition in Lyons, France. -CF
- Conferencia "PSLM 9", lecture at the Tarragona College of Architects. -CF
- "Saragossa Delicias Intermodal Station", lecture at the 1st Forum on Architecture for Transport. Catalonia College of Architects. -CF
- "The Contemporary Project: Coordinates", lecture. Navarre. -CF
- "The Use of Wood in Architecture", lecture. Ramón LLull School of Architecture. Round table and presentation of the book Carlos Ferrater. Coop. d’Arquitectes. Speakers: R. Prat, M. Gausa,B. Figueras, M. Planas. -CF
- "Proposal for the New Barcelona Seafront", lecture. College of Architects. New Architecture Program. "Current Superblock Projects in Barcelona". -CF
- "The New Barcelona Botanical Garden", lecture and presentation of the book Carlos Ferrater. Arquerías de los Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid. -CF
- Lecture during the Forum of Contemporary Art. St. Louis, Missouri. "Landscape, Systems, Light, Materiality", master class at Washington University auditorium. -CF
- Workshop classes and corrections in the Architecture faculty of the University of Saint Louis. -CF
- Round table and debate on the projects for the Sarriguren Competition. Pamplona School of Architecture. -CF
- "Barcelona Botanical Garden", lecture. "Topographies" Landscape Master's Course. ETSAB. -CF
- "Venice-Barcelona", lecture as part of the Land Architecture seminar in the Dipartimento di progettazione architettonica, laboratorio di progettazionea rchitettonica III H, Renato Bocchi, in the Antico Cotonificio Veneziano. -CF
- "Heritage - Past and Future", inaugural lecture and opening of the 2nd Ibero-American Encounter Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage, in the main hall of the FADU, Buenos Aires 1999. -CF
- "Landscape, Systems, Light, Materiality", (PSLM 4) lecture. Catalonia College of Architects. Barcelona Region. Osona Region. -CF
- "The Botanical Garden", lecture. Lecture on Monjuïc, Current Works and Projects. Josep Lluís Sert School of Professional Practice. COAC. -CF
- "Six Projects", lecture. Architectural Association of Ireland, Dublin. -CF
- "Materiality", lecture on the occasion of the presentation of the book. Association of Surveyors and Technical Architects. Barcelona. -CF
- Round table on "Professional Practice, International and Free". COAC. -CF
- "Second Transformation: Poblenou and the Seafront". Lecture organized by the AAUC. COAC. -CF
- Round table on "The Scales of Architecture: Proposals for Poblenou". A. Font/C. Teixidor/R. Fayos/P. Serra/C. Ferrater. Presenter: J. M. Vilanova. -CF
- Presentation of the CD-ROM of the 4th Biennial of Architecture in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion. -CF
- President of the round table on "North-South-East-West: The State of Spanish Architecture", as part of the 4th Biennial of Architecture in Barcelona. -CF
- Discussion session "In Defense of Architecture" at the COAC. Barcelona. -CF
- "The Avant-garde and Heritage: Recent Experiences", within the Architecture and Cities in the 21st Century: Third Millennium International Meeting. Valencia Convention Center. Unesco. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture. Basque Country-Navarre COA. "The Work of Carlos Ferrater". 1998 Meeting of Concrete Producers. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. -CF
- "Architecture and the City", lecture and round table with Enrique Browne and Paulo Mendez da Rocha. National Library. Madrid. -CF
- "At Times Things Are Not What They Appear", lecture. 1998 Meeting of Concrete Producers. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. -CF
- "The Biennial of Spanish Architecture", talk and round table with Víctor Pérez Escolano and Antonio Cruz. Seville. -CF
- 21st Lecture Series on Intervening in the Architectural Heritage. The Industrial Heritage: Old Structures, New Interventions. Catalonia College of Architects lecture hall. -CF
- "The Relationship of Architecture in the City", lecture. 1st Ibero-American Biennial. Alcalá de Henares. -CF
- "Architecture and Its Inhabitants", paper as part of the 1st Lecture on Public Space: Family and Housing. Conselleria de familia, muller e juventude. Xunta de Galicia. -CF
- "First Days of Reflection on Revitalizing the Ensanche". Round table on "Ideas for Planning the Eixample". Pro Eixample S.A. President: O. Bohigas/ Presenter: J. M. Huertas. Borja Carreras/ Josep Blanchart/ Ernest Compta/ J. L. Nuñez/ Carlos Ferrater. -CF
- "Barcelona", lecture at Monterols College. Lecture series on the occasion of the 3rd Biennial of Spanish Architecture in Seville. Closing Lecture in the series. "Vision Via the Built Work". "Conclusions on the Work Chosen in the 4th Biennial". -CF
- "Built Work", talk at the 1st Lecture on Housing. San Sebastián ETSA. AIA Congress. 1997 European Conf. COAC. "Barcelona, the Post-Olympic City". -CF
- "Landscape" lecture. Hotel Dante, Barcelona. -CF
- "Architectures Facing the Sea", lecture as part of the Mediterranean Center course, University of Granada. -CF
- "Planning the Eixample", lecture. UPC. -CF
- "Art, Architecture and Abstraction" lecture. Galicia COA. -CF
- "Projects Beside the Sea", lecture during the César Portela Workshop, within the 4th Biennial of Architecture. Botín Foundation Auditorium, as part of the summer course. Santander. -CF
- "Barcelona-Fragments", lecture. Coll i Regàs House. Mataró. -CF
- "Dal pubblico al privato", lecture. Venice Faculty of Architecture. "Barcelona: Center of the Periphery". Torre di Malta. Citadelle. -CF
- "Architecture et urbanisme: la part de l’art / la part de la technique", Lecture as part of the lecture series. AERA. Toulouse, France. -CF
- "Bird's-eye View", Berlin TU. Germany. -CF
- Lecture during the International Planning Course "Designing the Shoreline". UPC International Projects Center. -CF
- "The Professional Structure as an Extension of One's Way of Working", lecture. Barcelona. Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Labor. -CF
- Lecture during the "Future Tourist Infrastructures" seminar. La Pedrera Assembly Hall. Barcelona Tourism. -CF
- "Evolution and Synthesis", lecture at the FAUUSP. Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo. Brazil. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture within 1996 Contemporary Architecture Cycle. Park of Spain Cultural Center. Rosario. Argentina. -CF
- "Projects and Works in Barcelona 1992-96", lecture at the Spanish Cultural Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture. FADU. Buenos Aires, Argentina. -CF
- "Planning in Frontier Areas: The Value of Interstices", lecture as part of the architecture course "On the Insular Territory: Mobility and Activity". Water Board. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. -CF
- "Three Blocks in the Eixample", lecture during the 2nd Architectural Training Course. Monterols College. -CF
- "Technology and Architecture", lecture at the University of Gerona. Department of Architecture and Building Engineering. Gerona School of Technical Architects. -CF
- Conferencia "92-94, Years of Diversity", lecture as part of the 94/95 Cultural Congress. School of Arts and Crafts, Generalitat of Catalonia. Olot. -CF
- "Between Critical Knowledge and the Knowledge of Experience", lecture at the Lleida COA. -CF
- "Beginnings: Source Documents", lecture. COAC Picasso Auditorium. On the occasion of the exhibition Carlos Ferrater. -CF
- Round table and discussion at the 2nd Congress of Architects of Catalonia. -CF
- Training for the Architect, J. Alonso (pres. COAC), C. Ferrater/A. Fort/J. Galán. Presenter: J. Avellaneda. -CF
- "Urban Scale", lecture. Building on the basis of the project design. COA. Caixa de Galicia. -CF
- "Recent Works", lecture at the Tarragona COAC. -CF
- Lecture in the Castellón Area Headquarters. Cultural Committee. -CF
- "Extra Efterläsining: Carlos Ferrater. Slides on His Latest Works 1981-1994", lecture. Stockholm, Sweden. -CF
- "Between Small and Large Size", lecture. Cantabria COA, Santander. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture. Comunidad Valenciana COA. -CF
- Lecture in Santa Águeda Chapel: "The Antecedents of the Avenue Foix Project", as part of the exhibition New Projects at the Salón del Tinell. Barcelona. -CF
- "The Idea of Size in Contemporary Architecture", lecture during the 2nd Congress of Architecture on "The Idea of Modernity in Contemporary Architecture". Jaén. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture. East Andalusia COA, Almería. -CF
- "The Hotel King Juan Carlos I", lecture. Lecture at the Generalitat of Catalonia Catering School. Sitges. -CF
- "Recent Projects", lecture. San Sebastián ETSA. -CF
- Lecture within the "Constructional Solutions for the Architecture of Today"series. Technology Committee of the COAC Area. -CF
- "Three Blocks and the Hotel Juan Carlos I", lecture at the COAC. -CF
- "Botanical Barcelona/Botanical Santiago", lecture at the School of Agriculture. -CF
- "L'Estartit Sailing Club", lecture. Lausanne Polytechnic, Switzerland. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture in the Auditorium of the University of Oviedo, Asturias COA. -CF
- "Bigness", lecture. Aragón COA. -CF
- Technical, professional and university round table on AVE in Saragossa. Auditorium of Saragossa University. University of Saragossa/Spanish Railways Foundation. -CF
- "The Hotel Building", lecture within the Architecture and Tourism Postgraduate Program. Polytechnic University/Baleares COA. -CF
- Round table within the Architecture and Tourism Postgraduate Program. Federico Correa/Miquel Espinet/Carlos Ferrater. Presenter: Ricard Pié. -CF
- "Four Projects in Barcelona", lecture. Madrid COA. -CF
- "Recent Works", lecture, LAI School, Barcelona. -CF
- Debate on "The Constructing of Landscaped Space", within the Constructional Solutions for the Architecture of Today series, COAC, Barcelona. -CF
- "Contemporary Architecture", lecture. COA de la Comunidad Valenciana COA, Alicante. -CF
- "Large-scale Projects and Housing", lecture to 5th-Year Projects students ETSAB. -CF
- "The New Botanical Garden of Barcelona", round table. Participants: Carlos Ferrater, Isabel Figueras, Ramon Folch, Josep Montserrat, Joan Roig. Presenter: JosepGuillumet. Planning Committee, Barcelona Area. COAC lecture hall, Barcelona. -CF
- "Recent Works and Projects", lecture as part of the "Spanish Architecture" lecture series. Valladolid COA. -CF
- "Hotels and Large-scale Projects", lecture, 6th Best Western European Convention. Hotel Princess Sofía, Barcelona. -CF
- "Recent Projects". La Rioja COA. -CF
- "Hotel Torre Melina", lecture. ETSAB. -CF
- "Recent projects", lecture as part of the lecture series by Catalan architects. Basque Country- Navarre COA. Museum of Navarre. -CF
- "Architecture and Landscape", lecture as part of the doctorate course. ETSAB. -CF
- "Recent Work", lecture. University of Navarre. -CF
- "Projects in Poblenou", lecture. ETSAB. -CF
- Round table series as part of "A Thousand Years of Catalonia", on the subject of "The Future of Architecture". -CF
- "Recent Work", lecture as part of the "Catalan Architects" series. Extremadura COA, Badajoz. -CF
- "Recent Projects", lecture. Canary Islands COA, Gran Canaria. -CF
- Lecture in the 1989 Lecture Series of the East Andalusia COA, Almería. -CF
- "Housing-City: Intermediate Space", lecture during the International Congress of Architecture and Planning. "Housing and the City". Basque Country-Navarre COA. – CF
- "Recent Work", lecture as part of the "Recent Catalan Architecture" talks and discussion program. East Andalusia COA. -CF
- "Projects and Recent Works", lecture. Spanish architects' lecture series at the Canry islands COA. Tenerife. -CF
- "Works and Projects by Carlos Ferrater", lecture. Tarragona COAC. -CF
- “Works and Projects by Carlos Ferrater”. Cantabria COA. -CF
- "The Place", lecture based on personal Works and Projects. Architectural Association School of Architecture. AA. London. -CF
- "Round table. 7th Cultural Weeks at the ETSAB. "The Third Generation: Architecture of the 1950s and 60s in Europe". ETSAB/UPC/COAC. Participants: C. Ferrater/E. Miralles/J. M. Montaner/G. Mora. -CF
- "Works and Recent Projects by Carlos Ferrater", lecture. COAC Gallery, Girona. -CF
- "Green Spaces", lecture. FAD premises, Barcelona. – CF