S.R. Crown Hall, College of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
- Edition Hotel Barcelona chosen by the Architecture Design Institute of Korea to participate in the project display "2022 BEST ARCHITECTURE EXHIBITION SPAIN-KOREA". Work displayed: Hotel Edition Barcelona.
- "SENSE ESCALA". Models exhibition at the ETSAB. (26.04.22)
- Exhibition "Limites, systèmes, transformations, la poétique de la matière dans l'architecture du XXlème siècle" at the ENSA Paris Val de Seine. March 2022. Exhibited work: Roca Barcelona Gallery
- Carlos Ferrater participation in the exhibition "Ways of looking: The gaze and the urban green" organised by AxA_Arquitectes per l'Arquitectura at the H2O Gallery. (03.06.21 - 18.06.20) - C. Ferrater. http://arqxarq.es/maneres-de-mirar-la-mirada-vers-el-verd-urba-de-arquitectes-per-larquitectura/ Virtual gallery: http://axart.es/
- Inauguration of the exhibition "ABSENCE OF SCALE" celebrating 15 years of the OAB Foundation and Carlos Ferrater's 50 years of professional experience. 23/09/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdkQVEdLGLI
- 'Architectures on the Waterfront. A glimpse in the archives of the European Union Contemporary Architecture Awards - Premio Mies Van der Rohe' at Barcelona Maritime Museum, organised by AxA_Arquitectes x l'Arquitectura. 30/10/19 - 12/01/20
- Exhibition of the COACV AWARDS, as part of Architecture Week 2019. (01/10/19) Works displayed: Impiva Technology Park and Benidorm Seafront.
- “Spanish Architectures: Chronicle from Europe”, an exhibition that presents all of the works built by Spanish architecture studios and studios from the rest of Europe in Spain and which have been nominated for the European Union Mies van der Rohe Contemporary Architecture Award. Works displayed by Carlos Ferrater: Barcelona Botanical Gardens, IMPIVA Technology Park of Castellón and l'Estartit Sailing Club.
- 'Maneras de mirar', exhibition of drawings and paints by AxA at the Galería Víctor Saavedra de Barcelona. (01/12/17) http://arqxarq.es/versatilitat-darquitecte-sobre-lexposicio-maneres-mirar/http://arqxarq.es/versatilitat-darquitecte-sobre-lexposicio-maneres-mirar/
- OAB took part in the DETAILS ' Architecture seen in section' exhibition in the Universität Liechtenstein. (April 28th to May 13th, 2016) http://www.detailsinsection.org/?p=541
- Along with another 49 projects, OAB participated with the Building on the Bilbao Estuary in the traveling exhibition Architects@Work, organized by World Architects. The exhibition will travel to Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Luxemburg, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, and Turkey.
- As an invitee to the biennale, AMB Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona showed, among other studios, a work by OAB, the Piazza Mazzini in the Lido, Venice, in the West Bund Biennale exhibition, Shanghai. (29/9/2015)
- ‘Ciutat Port: La Barcelona Productiva’ en el Moll de llevant del Port de Barcelona. Obra expuesta: Un Jardín del Mar al Morrot. (16/03/15 al 11/04/15)
- OAB took part in the DETAILS - Architecture seen in section exhibition in the Spazio Mostre Guido Nardi of Milan Polytechnic (11-27/02/15)
- Environmental Communications: Contact High exhibition organized by Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at the Arthur Ross Architectural Gallery in New York, where images of Instant City were shown. (06/10-26/11/2014) http://www.arthurrossarchitecturegallery.org/
- ICSID exhibition at Museu d’Art Contemporani d’Eivissa (MACE), (22.03/13 - 31.08.13). Exhibited work: Instant City was on display.
- Ceding of images for the first architecture and photography show EXISTENZMAXIMUM. IL NECESSARIO, which is held in the Sala delle Carceri, Castel dell’ovo, Naples. (27.06.12 to 21.07.13)
- UTOPIA IS POSIBLE'. ICSID. Eivissa, 1971 MACBA. (20.06.12 – 20.01.13). Exhibited work: Instant City.
- "SPANISH ARCHITECTURE 1975-2010. '35+ BUILDING IN DEMOCRACY'. New Ministers gallery in Madrid. Exhibited works: Congressional Palace of Catalunya, Castellón Auditorium Center, Impiva Headquarters Castellón, Botanical Garden of Barcelona, Estartit Yacht Club. (26.01.12)
- Participation in the Catalan and Balearic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale "Vogadors. Architectural Rowers: Catalan & Balearic Threads. Hard materiality for a permeable architecture". Exhibited works: Pavilion of Menorca in the section "Antecedents" and the AA House-Origami House in the section "Contexts" from (29.08.12 – 25.12.12)
- “OAB - OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURE IN BARCELONA”. Hall of the UEM. (24.01.12 -07.02.12) ExhibiTed work: Roca Barcelona Gallery, Botanical Garden in Barcelona, Fitness Center, Nova Seu del Grupo d’Empreses Azahar, Passeig Marítim de la Platja de Ponent de Benidorm, Museu de la Confluència a Lyon, Parc de les Ciències de Granada, Estació Intermodal Zaragoza-Delicias, Edifici Mediapro al Campus Audiovisual, Plaça Lesseps, Edifici de Remodelación de l’Estadi Futbol Club Barcelona, Edifici d’Oficines a Boulogne-Billancourt, Torre Aquileia, Roca Barcelona Gallery.
- “OAB - OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURE IN BARCELONA” at the lecture series Arquitecturas de Autor (AA). University of Navarra School of Architecture. (19.04.12)
- “OAB - OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURE IN BARCELONA” that includes recent works by the studio. CTAV College of Architects of Valencia. October of 2012.
- "XI BEAU (Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) Exhibition. Winner project: West Beach Promenade in Benidorm.
- LANDASCAPE, ARCHITECTURE, BARCELONA' at the XXIV International Architecture Congress in the Cervantes Institute of Tokyo, Japan. (27.09.11 – 30.09.11) Exhibited works: Benidorm Waterfront and the AA House.
- INNOVACIÓN ABIERTA' (Open Innovation); contemporary Spanish architecture. Interoceanic Museum in Panama (24.06.11 – 24.07.11). Exhibited Works: The Benidorm Waterfront and the Mediapro building in the
- "ZAXXI. ARQUITECTURA ZAMORANA DEL S.XXI" Exhibited Work: Frontaura Winery in Toro.
- KAMASUTRA 50. RENCONTRES ENTRE ARCHITECTURE ET SPACE PUBLIC' at the Maisón de l’Architecture. Paris, France. Exhibited work: West Beach Promenade in Benidorm (13.10.11 – 12.11.11)
- "EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR PUBLIC SPACE 2010" at the Rome Biennial. (12.05.11 - 11.06.11) Exhibited work: West Beach Promenade. Aquarium building, headquarters of Architecture House, as one of the key events of the Biennial.
- LANDSCAPE AND GEOMETRY'. TMMOB Minar Odasi Büyükkent Subesi. Estambul, Turquía. (08.02.11 - 28.02.11) Exhibied work: West Beach Promenade in Benidorm.
- ARq_CS. Recent architecture which exhibits the new Azahar business headquarters in Castellón among the 39 works completed by different studios. The Territorial College of Architects of Castellón. (16.12.11). Exhibited work: The Azahar Group Headquarters
- “EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR PUBLIC SPACE". German Museum of Architecture (DAM) in Frankfurt . (15.04.201 - 03.07.2011). Exhibited work: Benidorm West Beach Promenade.
- "Virtual Gallery with the proposals of the Competition of the Master Plan of "la Ciudad de las Lenguas" in Castellón. The award was given to the Project of OAB by the “Sociedad de Proyectos Temáticos de la Comunidad Valenciana”.
- "SYNCHRONIZING GEOMETRY'. "Casa dell'Architettura" in Roma. (09.09.10 - 23.09.10)
- BUILDING THE CITY'. Best European Architecture. Collection of Mies Van der Rohe fundation. At Roca Barcelona Gallery. (24.02.2010 al 31.03.2010). (14.04.2010 - 09.05.2010). Exhibited works: Botanical Garden, Mediapro Building, Five Blocks on Poble Nou Seafront.
- "A CITY CALLED SPAIN' . National Glyptotheque, Atenas. (20.05.2010 - 29.08.2010) Exhibited work: The Mediapro Building at the Audiovisual Campus 22@.
- "35+ BUILDING DEMOCRACY: 35 years of Spanish Social Architecture". Museum Benaki, Atenas.(14.04.2010 - 09.05.2010) Exhibited works: The Castellon Auditorium Center, Impiva Headquarter Castellon, Botanical Garden of Barcelona, Estartit Yacht Club.
- "35+ BUILDING DEMOCRACY: 35 years of Spanish Social Architecture". Leventis Museum, Chipre. (15.06.10 - 31.08.10) Exhibited works: The Castellon Auditorium Center, Impiva Headquarter Castellon, Botanical Garden of Barcelona, Estartit Yacht Club.
- CATALAN ARCHITECTURE 2004-2009 " within the VII Ibero-American Architecture Biennale. (7.10.09 - 11.01.10) Exhibited works: The Mediapro Building and Apartment and Office Building Carlos Ferrater’s Studio.
- VII IBEROAMERICAN BIENNAL 2010'. Selection of the 35 final projects. October 2010, Medellín, Colombia. Exhibited works: Azahar Building in Castellón.
- Donation of models and drawings of Benidorm Waterfront, the Barcelona Botanical Garden, and Building on Paseo de Gracia, to the National Museum of Modern Art Pompidou Center of Paris, to form part of the permanent collection of the Museum. (19.06.2010) Exhibied works: Benidorm West Beach Promenade, Paseo de Gracia Building 99.
- "Architecture contemporaine catalane", by COAC in La Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine in Paris. (29/09/09 - January 2010) www.citechaillot.fr
- CERDÀ 150 YEARS OF MODERNITY' at the Drassanes Reials. Organized by FUTIC. (25/11/09 - 21/01/10). Exhibited works: The Botanical Garden of Barcelona, 5 blocks in the Paseo García Faria, the Mediapro Building.
- "MIES VAN DER ROHE 2009 Award'. Contemporary Architecture of the European Union Awards. COAC showroom. (10.23.2009- 11.28.2009). Exhibited work: Mediapro Building.
- “CERDA I LA BARCELONA DEL FUTUR. Realitat versus projecte” 150 Eixample's anniversary, at the CCCB. (10.20.2009 - 02.28.2010). Exhibited Works: Three City Blocks near the Olympic Village, 5 Blocks along the Barcelona, Seafront Competition of Diagonal Avenue extension and the Diagonal Mar Towers.
- "CATALAN ARCHITECTURE 2004-2009 " at the Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine in Paris. (07.10.09 - 10.01.10) The Mediapro Building and Apartment and Office Building Carlos Ferrater’s Studio.
- "ARCHITECTURES WITHOUT PLACES" (1968-2008). Arts Santa Mònica. Organized by the Culture Department and Mass Media, with the collaborationn of COAC, the ETSAB and FAD. (25.06.09 - 20.09.09)
- "SYNCHRONIZING GEOMETRY, LANDSCAPE, ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION'. Sr. Crown Hall, College of Architecture (06.09.2006-23.09.2006). Exhibited work: Benidorm Waterfront.
- ON-SITE. "ARQUITECTURA EN ESPAÑA, HOY". Sep, 2006 . Exhibition at the Botanical Garden in Madrid. Exhibited work: Social Services
- "THE CATALUNYA. PAISATGE" Fundació Caixa de Catalunya. Commissioner Josep M ª Montaner. La Pedrera. Barcelona.
- ON-SITE New architecture in Spain at the MOMA in New York. USA. Commissioner Terence Riley. Exhibited work: Centro de Servicios Sociales.
- Sensi contemporanei METAMORPH'. Villa Genovese Zerbi Regio Calabria. Italy.
- CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE'. Yildiz Technical University School of Architecture. Turkey.
- "HABITAR EL PRESENTE". Arquerías de los nuevos Ministerios. In Madrid. Exhibited work: Social Services Center
- FAD Awards Exhibition 2005 on the premises of the FAD.
- "MADRID - BARCELONA. 2005. 40 images at the COAM Foundation. College of Architects in Madrid and in the College of Architects in Barcelona. Exhibited works: Apartment Building and the Office of Carlos Ferrater.
- ArqCatMón. Opening in Istanbul in the XXII World Congress of Architecture UIA 2005. Traveling around the world.
- 9th INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE EXHIBITION. 2006. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. Exhibied work: Benidorm West Beach Promenade
- ‘VENICE BIENNALE 2004’. Spanish Pavillion. Exhibited work: House/Studio for a photographer 1.
- ‘VENICE BIENNALE 2004’. Exhibied work: Benidorm West Beach Promenade.
- KONSTRUKTION UND RAUM IN DER ARCHITECKTUR DES 20. 2002. Jahrhunderts. Arkitektur Museum Technische Universitat Munchen. Exhibited work: Benidorm Waterfront.