Instant City at the Stromboli Show of TV3 Chanel
Documental of the 25 aniversary of the Instant City of Ibiza 1971.
Documental of the 25 aniversary of the Instant City of Ibiza 1971.
Carlos Ferrater gives a lecture 'Emptiness as Generative Space in Architecture' organized by the CCB_Cátedra Blanca Barcelona at the ETSAB.
Carlos Ferrater takes part in Talks that Matter 'Exporting Architecture: beyond Catalunya' organised by Matter Barcelona, where he will talk about the Torre Hipódromo in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Borja Ferrater gives the talk 'Landscaping, Systems, materiality and light' at the Fine Arts Academy of Beirut.
Lucía Ferrater takes part in the talk 'Talks That Matter' on the essential role of women in design and architecture, along with Assumpció Puig, Judit Bustos, Mertixell Ribé and Sandra Bestraten, organised by Matter Barcelona.
Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture on 'Emptiness as Generative Space in Architecture' at the COAIB in Menorca.
Borja Ferrater gave the lecture 'Konstruktive logik und harmonishche Gestaltung - Urbaner Stahlbau mit mediterranem Flair' as part of the Internationaler Architektur-Kongress in Essen, Germany.
A radio and television web in Andorra.
One of the applicant groups proposes a casino on the Avinguda Meritxell and counts on 250,000 visitors.
'Ways of Seeing exhibition by AxA. 01/12/17
Exhibition of drawings and paintings by ‘Arquitectes per l’Arquitectura’ at the Víctor Saavedra Gallery in Barcelona. (01/12/17)
'Lecture on 'Emptiness' in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion. 30/11/17
Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture on ‘Emptiness’ at the concluding session of the ‘Hospital Architecture in the 21st Century’ postgraduate course in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion for students of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Escola Sert of the COAC.
Visit by American BAC students. 21/11/17
Accompanied by Mercè Berengué, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk ‘The Void’ at the OAB Gallery to a group of American architecture students from Roger Williams University, Clemson University, and Texas A&M University, as part of the academic program of the BAC.
'Apropos the City and the Landscape' lecture at the OAB Gallery. 31/10/17
Carlos Ferrater gave the lecture ‘Apropos the City and the Landscape’ to students of the Féliz Arranz workshop ‘Bases for the Project 1’ at the OAB Gallery.
BEST Global Residential and Tourism Project for 2017
Kaplankaya Canyon Ranch (Fase I) has been selected as the BEST Global Residential and Tourism Project for 2017 by worldwide recognized industry magazine ENR.
'Ceramic Panels' lecture at the UIC. 10/10/17
Xavier Martí gave a lecture on ‘Ceramic Panels’ as part of the lecture cycle of Vicenç Sarrablo’s Ceramics Chair at the UIC.
Talk during the RCR Arquitectos workshop. 31/07/17
Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture on ‘The Void’ as the inaugural event of the Open Lecture Program at the 10th International Workshop on Architecture and Landscape, 2017, organized by RCR Arquitectos in the Hospice Courtyard, Olot.
Talk during the workshop of RCR Arquitectos. 31/07/17
Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture on ‘The Void’ as the inaugural event of the Open Lecture Program at the 10th International Workshop on Architecture and Landscape, 2017, organized by RCR Arquitectos in the Hospice Courtyard, Olot.
La Salle Specialist Masters. 25/07/17
Carlos Ferrater participated in the end-of-course assessment of the Specialist Masters students at the La Salle School of Architecture.
Graduation of the UIC Class of 2016-17. 21/07/17
Carlos Ferrater participated in the graduation and sponsorship ceremony of the Class of 2016-17 at the UIC’s School of Architecture.
Girona Region Architecture Prizes. 09/06/17
The seafront house in Port de la Selva won 1st prize in the 20 Prizes for Architecture in the region of Girona for 2017, organized by the Catalan Architectural Association (COAC) of the Girona Area.
Visiones Arquitectónicas. 08/06/17
Xavier Martí participated as a speaker, and then took part in a round table discussion, on Hotels and Sustainability as part of the Architectural Visions Conference in La Salle.
Carlos Ferrater interview. iCandela Maganize (March 2017)
iCandela Magazine Nº 23
“La luz es la encargada de poner en valor el espacio”
Reed interview (pages 49-56)
8th Ibero-American Forum. 06/05/17
As a member of the Advisory Board of the Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai, Núria Alaya participated in an institutional reception at Pedralbes Palace and in the subsequent festivities within the framework of the 8th Ibero-American Forum, an event led by the Ibero-American League of Organizations of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and Fundesplai.
Debate 'Old New Work: Audacious Conversations about Housing’ debate. 24/04/17
Lucía Ferrater took part in the debate ‘Old New Work: Audacious Conversations about Housing’, along with Borja Martín, managing director of Salvetti & Llombart, Ferran Marsà, chief executive officer of La Llave de Oro, and Gracia Cardona, president of ADIFAD and founder-owner of DiarioDesign. The debate was organized by Monapart and chaired by Jose Luis Echebarria.
Carlos Ferrater lecture at the ETSAB. 17/04/17
Carlos Ferrater gave the lecture “Small in Size: The Realm of the Intimate,” organized by the Cátedra Blanca Barcelona at the ETSAB.
Lecture in Architects@Work. 30/03/17
Borja Ferrater lectured on “Landscape, Light and Materiality” as part of Architects@Work at the CCIB – Barcelona International Convention Center.
Visit from students of the Ohio State University 14/03/17
Accompanied by the proffessors Jonathan Barnes y Allison Drda, Borja Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of Ohio State University students at the OAB Gallery.
Fundación Arquia Blog. 13/03/17
Un nuevo valor para una arquitectura en crisis.
Carlos Ferrater
Presentation of the book FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES: EA774 at Cern. 06/03/17
Carlos Ferrater presented the book published by ACTAR about Building 774 at Cern, a project implemented by Francesco Soppelsa and Octavio Mestre. COAC conference hall.
Architecture congress at the COAC 24/10/16
Carlos Ferrater participated as a speaker on ‘The New Architecture Law and the Tools of the Architect’ during Synthesis Week at the 2016 Architecture Congress held in the Catalan Architectural Association (COAC).
Visit from students of the Architecture Faculty in Montevideo. 09/11/16
Carlos Ferrater gave a talk in the OAB Gallery to students from the School of Architecture in Montevideo, accompanied by professors Santiago Lenzi and Sergio Aldama.
2016 CEMEX Awards. 09/11/16
Xavier Martí participated as a jury member on the 2016 CEMEX Awards in Monterrey, Mexico.
Visit by American BAC students. 08/11/16
Accompanied by Mercè Berengué, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of American architecture students from Roger Williams University, Clemson University, and Texas A&M University, as part of the academic program of the BAC.
Visit by American BAC students. 27/10/15
Accompanied by Mercè Berengué, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of American architecture students from Roger Williams University, Clemson University, and Texas A&M University, as part of the academic program of the BAC.
SCA presentation in Buenos Aires. 26/10/16
Carlos Ferrater gave a lecture for the Central Society of Architects (SCA) in Buenos Aires, delivered in the Association’s headquarters, which the University of Palermo also attended.
DArA ID congress in Buenos Aires. 24/10/16
Carlos Ferrater gave a talk to the congress members, and later a press conference aimed at the guest exhibitors, as part of the congress organized by the DArA Association in the CCk auditorium in Buenos Aires.
MARQ Masters in Architecture lecture program. 14/10/16
Together with Ricardo Bofill, Carlos Ferrater gave the inaugural class and led the subsequent debate at the Polytechnic College of Advanced Architecture in Girona, as part of the MARQ Masters in Architecture lecture program.
Seminar in Llessui on Architecture in the Pyrenean Landscape. 23/07/16
Carlos Ferrater participated in the Architecture in the Pyrenean Landscape seminar together with architects Ramón Maria Puig, Toni Gironés, Josep Bunyesc, Francisco Mangado and Esteve Bonell
Seminar in Llessui on Architecture in the Pyrenean Landscape. 23/07/16
Carlos Ferrater participated in the Architecture in the Pyrenean Landscape seminar together with architects Ramón Maria Puig, Toni Gironés, Josep Bunyesc, Francisco Mangado and Esteve Bonell
Visit by NYIT students. 21/06/16
Borja Ferrater received a group of architecture students from New York Institute of Technology and gave a talk and later a guided tour of the OAB Gallery.
Lecture at the IAAC 19/05/16
Carlos and Borja Ferrater gave the lecture ‘A Place for Architecture’ as part of the IAAC lecture series 2016.
Lecture in ETSAB 09/05/16
Carlos Ferrater gave his lecture ‘A Place for Architecture’ to students on the Projects VI course at the ETSAB.
1st AxA – PiMEC Design Competition 16/03/16
Awards ceremony of the competition organized by Arquitectos por la Arquitectura and Pimec, in which the design was posited of prefabricated components in glass reinforced concrete (GRC) for the company GLS Consorcio del Hormigón SLU.
The prize has been awarded to Carlos Aguilar Olaria for ‘Enough of Scaffolding!’ and the finalists were Jordi Safon-Tria with ‘Curtain,’ Juan Carlos Ahedo with ‘Déjà Vu,’ and Julia Gras with ‘The Integrated Skin.’
The jury members, Pilar Calderón, Manel Castellnou, Sander Laudy, Santi Llusera, Aurelio Mora, Eva Prats, and Ramon Sanabria, considered the winning project to be interesting in its search for a contemporary construction system that resolves, in a versatile, efficient and industrializable way, the making of façades and each of the challenges that this presents in technical terms.
Professional Sessions – BIM System (10/03/16)
The event was presented by Fernando Bermejo, Technical Director, and M. Elena Pla, in charge of developing the BIM, of ITEC, with the case study presented by Albert Gil of Batlle i Roig Arquitectes.
Organized at the OAB Gallery by Arquitectos por la Arquitectura and aimed at its associates.
Visit by American BAC students. 07/03/16
Accompanied by Mercè Berengué, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of American architecture students from Roger Williams University, Clemson University, and Texas A&M University, as part of the academic program of the BAC.
Lecture in Ohio 24/02/16
Borja Ferrater gave his lecture ‘Light, Systems, Landscape, Materiality… and Geometry’ as part of the ATMOSPHERES lecture series at the Knowlton School of Architecture in Ohio.
Book launch by Antonio Armesto. 19/01/16
Antonio Armesto presented The Essential Writings of Gottfried Semper: The Hearth and Its Protection with Alberto Peñín and Arturo Frediani at the OAB Gallery.
Interview on the TV program Animalades. 31/12/15
Evelyn Segura interviewed Carlos Ferrater for the ‘Lowland: Can architects like Carlos Ferrater reproduce spiders’ webs?’ instalment of the program Animalades on TVE’s Channel 2.
Visit from Cartagena University of Architecture. 10/12/15
Núria Ayala gave a guided tour of the Barcelona Botanical Garden to architecture students from Cartagena University, in the company of Professor Santiago del Álamo.
Jury member in the Andreu World Design Competition. 10/12/15
Carlos Ferrater participated as a jury member in the Andreu World Design Competition.
Lecture at the ETSAB. (30/11/15)
Carlos Ferrater gives a lecture entitled “On the city and the landscape” at the ETSAB.
Architects@Work ehibition. 19/11/15
Along with another 49 projects, OAB participated with the Building on the Bilbao Estuary in the exhibition Architects@Work, organized by World Architects. The exhibition will travel to Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Luxemburg, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, and Turkey.
The CSCAE's International Spanish Architecture Prizes for 2015. 19/11/15
Carlos Ferrater delivered the Eulogy to the Architecture Schools of Madrid and Barcelona at the awards ceremony of the 2015 CSCAE Medals and at the 2nd round of the International Spanish Architecture Prizes from the Board of Governors of the Architects of Spain which was held in the Senate in Madrid.
NAN Award 12/11/15
Carlos Ferrater received the 2015 NAN Honor Award.
Visit by the students of Roger Williams, Clemson, and Texas A&M Universities. 27/10/15
Along with architects Mercè Berengué and Miguel Roldán, Carlos Ferrater gave a talk to the architecture students of Roger Williams, Clemson, and Texas A&M Universities (USA), prior to a guided tour of the Barcelona Botanical Garden together with Núria Ayala.
Participation in the ‘Mistu: Architecture and Light' event. 22/10/15
Carlos Ferrater took part in the ‘Mistu: Architecture and Light’ event organized by Mistu (TRASLUZ), at which, among other designs, the CF Lamps Series were presented. RI Culture Space.
Lecture at the UIC. 20/10/15
Borja Ferrater gave the lecture ‘Housing and City’ to the Urbanism 2 students at the ESARQ of the UIC.
Lecture at the UIC. 14/10/15
Carlos Ferrater gave the lecture ‘Materials, Industry, and Architecture’ at the ESARQ of the UIC (International University of Catalonia) as part of the Ceramics Chair course.
Lighting Talks Forum'. 06/10/15
Borja Ferrater participated in the ‘Lighting Talks Forum: Ideas for Visionary Development,’ with a short presentation of OAB’s project at the MACBA.
Architectonic Visions conference (06/10/15)
Núria Ayala participated as a speaker as the ‘Architectural and Technological Innovation in Amortizing Restoration Work’ as part of the Architectonic Visions conference in the Arts Santa Mónica Centre.
West Bund Biennale exhibition, Shanghai (29/9/15)
As an invitee to the biennale, AMB Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona showed, among other studios, a work by OAB, the Piazza Mazzini in the Lido, Venice, in the West Bund Biennale exhibition, Shanghai.
Round table as part of the Permanent Bureau of Ideas and Debate (23/09/15)
Carlos Ferrater, a Fellow of the Real Academia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, took part in the discussion ‘Place, context and building in the future architectural project’ as part of the Permanent Bureau of Ideas and Debate: New Challenges for Architecture, along with Carme Pinós and Jordi Garcés at the Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi.
ETSAB workshop (16/09/15)
Carlos and Lucía Ferrater took part in the ‘Neighbors’ debate during the Projects 3 Workshop on the ETSAB’s ‘Housing and City’ course.
COCKTAIL fireplace by Carlos Ferrater (16/09/15)
Launch of the ‘Cocktail’ fireplace designed by Carlos Ferrater, followed by a discussion between the designer, Miguel Milà and Oscar Tusquets in the OAB Gallery, organized by DAE Chimeneas.
Video by Joan Guillamat
22 Spiegelgeschichten Spanischer Architekten exhibition (09/07/15)
OAB participated in the Couples & Co: 22 Spiegelgeschichten Spanischer Architekten (2000-2015) exhibition at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin.
Presentation of the book Badalona com a excusa (18/06/15)
Carlos Ferrater presented the book Badalona com a excusa by the architect Pere Casajoana, before taking part in a round table discussion with Beth Galí, Oriol Bohigas and Ramón Torr, chaired by Margarita Abras, Director of Badalona Museum, in the museum’s lecture hall.
Visit from students from the Pontifical Xavierian University. 16/06/15
Carlos Ferrater gave a talk in the OAB Gallery to students from the Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogotá, along with Professor Alfonso Gómez.
Visit from students from the Pontifical Xavierian University. 16/06/15
Carlos Ferrater gave a talk in the OAB Gallery to students from the Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogotá, along with Professor Alfonso Gómez.
Presentation of a Kees Kean lecture at BBB Construmat 18/05/15
Carlos Ferrater presented the Kees Kaan lecture “Under Construction” as part of BBB-Construmat, with the cooperation of Fira de Barcelona and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Fira de Barcelona, Gran Vía, Barcelona.
Lecture in Saint Sebastian Church, Mantua, Italy 14/05/15
Carlos Ferrater gave a keynote speech in Saint Sebastian Church in Mantua, Italy, as part of “Mantova Architettura,” organized by Milan Polytechnic with the collaboration of Casabella.
Round table in the Teatro all’Antica, Sabbionetta, Italy 13/05/15
Carlos Ferrater participated in a round table discussion in Saint Sebastian Church, Mantua, Italy, as part of “Mantova Architettura,” organized by Milan Polytechnicin in collaboration with Casabella.
Carlos Ferrater took part as a speaker in the SYMPOSIUM_THINK TANK_BCN-HGK, in which he presented his interventions, thoughts and ideas about the waterfronts of Barcelona and Hong Kong.
Lecture “Housing and the City. Type and Aggregation,” to the ETSAB 5th grade students. (22/04/15)
Video report on Taichung Metropolitan Opera House 16/04/2015
Félix Arranz introduced the video report Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, directed by Toyo Ito, with a subsequent talk about it, in the OAB Gallery.
Conversation with Carlos Ferrater, architect. 28/04/15
Carlos Ferrater took part in the talk organized by El Món Il.lustrat and presented by Josep Mª Montaner, architect, in the Can Ginestar CIM Interpretation Center in Sant Just Desvern.
Catalan Architecture Exhibition. 31/3/15
Piazza Mazzini selected for the 1st Catalan Architecture Exhibition. Barcelona.
S.R. Crown Hall, College of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago