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Royal Institute of British Architeccts
Carlos Ferrater: International Fellow of the RIBA since 2011

Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Carlos Ferrater: Fellow-Elect since 2001

Consell Consultiu d’Habitat Urbà
Carlos Ferrater: President since 2012

COAC: Col.legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya
Carlos Ferrater: Collegiate Member since 1971
Xavier Martí-Galí: Collegiate Member since 1990
Lucía Ferrater: Collegiate Member since 1997
Núria Ayala: Collegiate Member since 2002
Borja Ferrater: Collegiate Member since 2005 & Assembly Member since 2010

Arquitectes per l’Arquitectura
Carlos Ferrater: Founder-Member since 2010
Borja Ferrater: Founder-Member since 2010

Barcelona Global
Carlos Ferrater: Individual Partner since 2010
Borja Ferrater: Individual Partner since 2010

FAD Foment de les Arts i el Disseny
Carlos Ferrater: Member since 1971 & Arquinfad President (1986-88)
Borja Ferrater: Member since 2005

ETSAB Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona
Lucía Ferrater: Lecturer since February 2012

ESARQ Escola Superior d’Arquitectura – Universitat Internaciona de Catalunya
Lucía Ferrater: Lecturer from September 2008 to June 2011

La Salle
Carlos Ferrater: Member of the Governing Council
Lucía Ferrater: Professor since 2017

Cátedra Blanca Barcelona
Carlos Ferrater: Director since 1999
Alberto Peñín: Director since 1999

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Carlos Ferrater: Member of the University Advisory Board

Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai
Carlos Ferrater & Núria Ayala: Advisory Board since 2007
Cátedra Blanca Barcelona
The Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona (White Chair or Professorship) came into being in 1999 with the aim of generating a suitable academic framework for the teaching of a university architectural culture of quality. If, according to Richard Sennett, “Making is thinking,” the idea is to reconcile experience and the intellectual formation of the students. Housed in the Barcelona School of Architecture in the UPC, the chair is sponsored by Cémex España, and has a triple objective: to bring the University and society closer together; to grant it independence in terms of the public authorities; and to provide funding, something that is essential today.

The Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona is the first in a network of interuniversity chairs, with headquarters in Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Mexico City and Monterrey. Its activities are undertaken in various fields, covered in this webpage, from the teaching of graduate, postgraduate and masters courses to scientific activities and publishing or the dissemination of architectural culture. It is directed by Carlos Ferrater and Alberto Peñín.
- Carlos Ferrater Lambarri
- Alberto Peñín Llobell
- Eduard Gascón
- Eva Prats
- Jorge Vidal Tomás
- Judith Leclerc
- Lucía Ferrater
- Joan Casals
- Álvaro Martínez
- Jorge de Jorge
Founded in March 2011, the magazine Palimpsesto is an initiative of the UPC’s Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona. The magazine is about contemporary architecture with the emphasis placed on learning, on the material and technique of project design, and on reflection as the three basic pillars of the profession of architect.
Its contents are organized around a series of open-ended sections, which lend it a flexible and dynamic structure yet one which also guarantees coherence. The magazine is aimed at architects, students, researchers and professionals engaged in the planning and realization of the work of architecture.
Published three times a year, the magazine appears in a paper and a digital version and contains original articles, interviews and projects. The articles to be published are selected by an editorial board consisting of two external reviewers, who keep to the standard protocols for serial scientific publications. The titles, résumés and key words are also published in English.