Corporate Headquartes for GISA & FGC

Corporate Headquartes for GISA & FGC
In one of the main entrances to Barcelona, integrated within the operation of covering over the FGC train tracks and the conversion of its former workshops, there appears a rectangular block resulting from the intersection of the urban weaves of the barrios of Sarriá and Tres Torres with Vía Augusta, thus generating a huge public space that will function as a hinge to resolve the height difference existing between the two barrios.
Emerging at the intersection of Vía Augusta with Calle Vergós and Calle Cardenal de Sentmenat is the group of buildings of the corporate headquarters of GISA and FGC, which notwithstanding the restrictiveness of the planning of the specific, pronounced volumetry stem from a work of urban integration, conferring on them a character typical of institutional buildings, a character at once emblematic, welcoming and functional.
The functional program of the two buildings is resolved by means of diaphanous floors giving onto the public space between them and of offices in the outer perimeters. The facade modulation is highly refined in order to give flexibility and versatility to the interior distribution.
A detailed plan with highly exacting constructional solutions resolves the exterior skin as a whole with a single module of extruded, anodized aluminum.